True Church Free Responsive Website Template

True Church Free Responsive Website Template

The True Church Free Website Template is fully responsive and perfect for your website. The style of this church website template is clean and simple - it is meant to showcase important information for your viewers while including beautiful areas for images. Even though this template was designed for church sites, you can easily edit it to fit your business' needs. If you decide to use this template, we would love to see it in action! Drop us a link in the comments if you're interested.

Copyright: Themezy

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responsive clean simple white elegant church religious true gold cross

True Church Free Responsive Website Template

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  1. ?height=50&width=50

    Hey there, I'm a programming student tasked with a redesign of a local church's website. I was wondering if you had any stipulations as to the use of this template, legally speaking, as I like it and think the client would as well. I haven't run this by my team yet, I just wanted to know if this template was a viable option before I ran with it

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